Belarus Free Theater

The aim is to support the Belarus Free Theater activities through a “book presentation”: with this contribute, beside offering a consideration for the reader around the work of the BFT, we want to recognize the civic commitment of the company.
The book present the Belarus Free Theatre activities, theatre company which have arouse particular interest in the international scenario, achieving also a Special Mention at the XII edition of the Theatre European Prize (on suggestion of Vaclav Havel, Tom Stoppard e Harold Pinter) and the French Republic Human Rights Prize in 2007. The Belarus Free Theatre activities, are illegal in Belarus.THE BOOK
1. A black elastic band surrounds the book, covering (censure evocation) in the cover the book title.
2. The firsts pages of the volume have been rip out to remind to the concept of the censure.
3. The note of the texts use the QR code, a graphic codex that when photograph by a mobile phone connect directly to the web site which will be create ad-hoc, constantly update and dedicated at the Belarus Free Theatre (texts, images, videos, interviews). In this way the book acquires hypertext and interactive character.
4. The square frame, graphic element chosen by the company as unique decorative element of the stage, becomes in the book the symbol, which connects together different parts.
5. At the end of the book is illustrated a map which shows the cities who have host the Belarus Free Theatre, since the born till the date.

The pictures of Alessandro Vincenzi mainly compose the book.
The first part of the book shows the pictures that Vincenzi took during his stay in Minsk, in those places where the company was born and act. The second part shows the stage of the company presented as a prima nazionale at the Festival VIE di Modena, Italy in 2009 (organized by ERT-Emilia Romagna Teatro) along with the text that describe the adventure of the company.
The aim of this iconography structure is to show the way of work of the group articulating the colour pictures of the performances presented in Italy and the black and white pictures (exhibited at the Foro Boario of Modena in 2009 and at the Teatro Parenti of Milan in 2010) which shown the daily life of the Belarus Free Theater in Minsk.

Belarus Free Theater