TB at the European Gate

According to the latest WHO Report, Moldova takes the second place, after Azerbaijan, in Multi Drugs Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) cases all over the world. Since 2001, Moldova adopted the Direct Observed Treatment (DOT) strategy and became one of the countries supported by the Global Found. The number of TB cases notified increased overall by 50% since 2001 and probably in relation to several training for specialized TB staff, rehabilitation of infrastructures as laboratories and hospitals, information campaigns all over the country. According to many citizens TB have never been a problem, but it’s related with the movements of people towards the country. In Balti the NGO Speranta Terrei, founded by medical persons, social workers and ex TB patients, trained a number of volunteers to monitor daily home treatment (DOT) of patients. Relation between volunteers and patient goes further than a treatment observation and in many cases volunteers help the patient and the family to pay some bills, or with food or moreover to get some social benefit. Unfortunately Speranta Terrei it’s an exception and a combination of several factors, like unemployment, alcoholism and the attitude of the society versus patients, makes TB a serious problem and not only for the Country it self.